Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Underachieving Gifted Child - Chapter 12

The "Gifted Children's Bill of Rights" hit home as both a mom of a gifted child and a teacher of gifted children.  In so many of these, I try to control as a mom.  As my girl has gotten older, I've seen that I get push back when I try to keep her under my tight reign.  She has blossomed, has found her niche, and has grown in confidence as I've let go a bit and let her explore her rights.

As a teacher, I hope to do the same for the gifted children in my classroom.  I want them to be able to explore their rights and know that it's acceptable to do so in our classroom.  As I read through this chapter, this is what stuck out to me most..."By encouraging young people to recognize and develop their talents, we move humanity forward...even if these individuals do not become accomplished scientists or best-selling authors, they lead HAPPIER AND MORE ENRICHED LIVES WHEN THEY ARE ALLOWED TO PURSUE THEIR INTERESTS AND DEVELOP THEIR TALENTS."  ***mic drop***

This book study has truly opened my eyes to how I can grow as a teacher and as a mom.  As with everything we do to make our classrooms and homes places where success can blossom, it might be a little more work, but the payoff will be SO worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Have you read the Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, or watched his TEDTalk? He discusses your mic drop moment and it is just that!
