Friday, July 21, 2017

Summer book study-The Underachieving Gifted Child Chapter 12

Chapter 12:  Putting It All Together
I liked Kehle research he did about what makes people happy.  The ideas of RICH-resources, intimacy, competence, and health were all very eye opening.  Happy people have resources to guide them to individual freedom, significant personal relationships, feel competent in something they do, and value mental and physical health.  What a significant topic in the world we live in-the pursuit of happiness.  I loved the simple yet poignant breakdown of what makes people happy!!
The Gifted Students' Bill of Rights by Siegle hit home as a mom first.  Reading through the list I started thinking about the control I try and keep over my own personal child and how I need to loosen up the reigns some and let him explore talents he feels he has and desires to pursue instead of me telling him what he should and/or will be doing.  As a teacher, this also reminds me that students are who they are.  My role as their teacher is to foster their talents and gifts; my job is not to try and change them.  One of the very last lines of the book is powerful when it says that the final choice is ultimately up to the child-they have to want change and believe that their continuous effort can produce achievement!  Love this statement!!


  1. I loved the information about happiness, too! Continuous effort can produce achievement and happiness. :)

  2. Your last statements are so powerful . . . as educators we so want to make it perfect for our students, but really it is up to each and every student.
