Friday, June 2, 2017

Summer book study: The Underachieving Gifted Child

Chapter 1:  Introduction
First off, I was excited to start this book study, not only as a teacher but as a parent of a gifted child as well.  Underachieving can and is one of the most frustrating traits in and out of the classroom.  Even in a 1st grade classroom there is evidence of underachievement.  I was drawn to the sentence speaking of flow and how parents and teachers can help young people become more engaged to help with flow experiences.  YES, YES, and YES!  This is a constant struggle to find ways to engage and help little learners flow in their learning experiences.  I am hoping through this study to find ways to achieve this flow to use with all children in my classroom and the one living in my home!!

Chapter 2:  What is Underachievement?
When we were first asked this question to start off this online dialogue-I will be honest..I googled the word underachievement.  My own gut definition was to just say lazy! Obviously there is so much more than that to the word!  The quote to start the chapter struck me, "We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself." -Lloyd Alexander
I just love this-its the deeper meaning, the quest and not the result, maybe even the failure along the way.  This also is why maybe many students are underachievers.  It's the hard part-the uncomfortable part, the part not known that makes you stretch beyond what you already know.  This chapter was hard for me to wrap my brain around with lots of statistics so this quote was the one thing that really struck me and helps me understand more what underachievement is and can be.

Chapter 3:  Characteristics of Underachievers
This is the chapter that as I read I thought of my own child.  I could find him multiple times within the Table 1 chart of underachieving character traits.  I could also add student names as well.  Then as I kept reading I had to step back and realize that one characteristic my child or students possess doesn't necessarily mean they are underachievers.  This chapter was a realistic breakdown of factors that may contribute to underachievement.  **On a side note, when my husband walked past this book lying on the kitchen table, he asked if I was reading to understand our child more!! He may also need to join the book study!!**

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